

Align your steering before stepping on the peddle

  • Our strategy sessions are the centre piece to all that we do at Business Brother. Every decision, action and success stems from what we uncover and clarify in these sessions. Sam Colthorpe with engage in a 2 hour strategy session where he will ask multiple questions, and have a conversation around your business and your brand. From this session, we can then begin to build your buyer profiles as well as your strategy document that will be the Bible for your business moving forward.

  • Buyer profiling is a crucial step that needs to be done thoughtfully. Not all customers and clients are created equal and it is imperative that who we are targetting will equal success for your business in terms of satisfaction, resource capability, skillset and alignment.

  • Our strategy document are a PDF clarifying information about your business. This generally includes: strategy overview, current business analysis, SWOT analysis, brand positioning, competitive advantage, goals, your ideal clients, and a timeline of suggested projects.

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